Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Travel Log #2

While traveling around the world, I like to write journal entries for some of my more favorite places i've been to, and some crazy things that have happened, and well, here it is.

As you travel you learn the manners and courtesies of the road.  I'll never forget the first time I became homesick, I felt so lonely.  One of the pilgrims saw I was feeling down, and treated me with a kindness and hospitality I never, ever would have expected to come out of anyone besides my own family.  I hoped on a camel caravan, headed for Alexandria.  Meanwhile I had a dream, almost like a reflection on what I just went through, and it was then I realized my passion for travel, I would voyage just for the sake of voyaging.  In Cairo, it was then I experienced the epic proportions of a "big" Muslim civilization.  A great bureaucracy and economy encouraged peace and prosperity in trade with Asia.  Cairo was such a wonderful place, I had such a hard time leaving, but my final and ultimate goal was Mecca.  
I pressed on, I crossed the Sinai peninsula and through the cities of Palestine and Syria, enjoying and savoring each moment I traveled, each one unique as I felt each step brought me closer to a new great experience the road to anywhere had to offer.  I eventually arrived in Damascus.  It was there that I joined up with the annual wave of pilgrims on their way to Mecca.  The mosques in Damascus were INSANE.  The Umayyad's mosque was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen up until that point in my life.  Tomorrow held Medina in store, and eventually I would arrive in the holy city of Mecca.  

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